Basic Stretching Routine
Perform these stretches after your training run or race and on rest days. Be sure to only stretch muscles within a comfortable range not pushing beyond your range of motion. If you experience any pain during the movements, stop the movement and seek medical help. (Do not perform these exercises if you a prior injury or contra-indication not cleared by your medical professional)
Quadriceps Stretch - Hold stretch for 20-30 seconds
Slowly move further into the range of movement without overextending the range
TIPS: Hold onto something for balance & pull the foot towards the buttocks. Keep the thighs close together & pull the foot straight up. Keep the rest of the body balanced & the hips & shoulders square.
Caution: Do not twist the pelvis
Hamstring Calf Stretch - Hold stretch for 20-30 seconds
Slowly move further into the range of movement without over extending the range Can use a band or towel.
TIPS: Contract the buttock and thigh muscles while keeping the leg straight. Pull further to increase the stretch as the thigh muscles continue to contract.
Caution: Keep the head and shoulders relaxed and in contact with the ground. Do not allow the hip or knee to rotate
Iliotibial band stretch - Hold stretch for 20-30 seconds
Slowly move further into the range of movement without overextending the range.
TIPS: Position the hand on the wall with the feet an arms length from the wall. Place one foot behind the other, then lean the hips towards the wall while keeping the hips and shoulders square. The stretch should be experienced on the outside of the thigh, hip and possibly the torso. The extent of the stretch is determined by the flexibility of these muscles.
Caution: Ensure you have an adequate grip on the floor to avoid slipping. Lower the body slowly and do not force the stretch
Torso Rotation Gluteal Stretch - Hold stretch for 20-30 seconds
Slowly move further into the range of movement without overextending the range.
TIPS: Start in a tall seated position and place the elbow on the outside of the knee. Press against the knee to assist with the rotation and ensure that the torso remains erect.
Caution: Discontinue if pain is felt in the spine
Groin Stretch - Hold stretch for 20-30 seconds
Slowly move further into the range of movement without overextending the range.
TIPS: Start with the spine in a tall position with the feet together. Press the knees towards the floor with the elbows and lean forward at the hips to increase the stretch. Apply even pressure to both knees.
Caution: Do not force the stretch, especially towards the end of the movement. Do not flex the spine.
Back Flexion Stretch - Hold stretch for 20-30 seconds
Slowly move further into the range of movement without overextending the range.
TIPS: Start in a kneeling position with the hands under the shoulder, the knees under the hips and neutral curves in the spine. Breathe in and flex the entire spine then breathe out and bring the spine back to neutral.
Caution: Discontinue if pain or discomfort is experienced in the spine.
Torso Rotation Stretch - Hold stretch for 20-30 seconds
Slowly move further into the range of movement without overextending the range.
TIPS: Start with the head, shoulders & hips on the floor with the knees comfortably flexed. The arms should start wide & flat on the floor. Keep the shoulders & head on the floor & lower the knees towards the floor on one side. Keep the legs together & hold the position at the end of the movement.
Caution: Discontinue if pain or discomfort is experienced in the spine
Yoga Rotation -Hold stretch for 20-30 seconds
Slowly move further into the range of movement without overextending the range.
TIPS: Take a small step forward & place the foot flat on the ground. The feet should remain approximately shoulder width apart & face forward. Keep the rear leg straight & continue to lunge forward while keeping the back heel on the ground. The shoulders should remain above the hips for balance.
Consider holding onto something for balance during the stretch. The stretch should be experienced at the calf or Achilles tendon region
Calf Stretch - Hold stretch for 20-30 seconds
Slowly move further into the range of movement without overextending the range.
TIPS: Keep the shoulders on the ground & take the knee over the thigh with the hand. Keep the other arm straight, press up & away from the body then rotate the neck to look up at the hand. Repeat on other side
Hip Flexor Stretch - Hold stretch for 20-30 seconds
Slowly move further into the range of movement without overextending the range.
TIPS: Start with the hips & shoulders facing forwards & lean forward at the hips. Do not allow the pelvis to tilt anteriorly or allow the lower back to extend Extend arms above head to increase the stretch
Disclaimer: No express warranty is given as to the accuracy or completeness of this information. It is not a substitute for, any advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by a fitness or medical professional. You acknowledge that performing incorrectly prescribed exercises or activities may pose a risk to your health. You are solely responsible for all acts or omissions, whether negligent or otherwise, undertaken in connection with this information.)