Welcome Making A Runner Podcast Listeners.

Do you want to shave 20 minutes off your Comrades Marathon time?


You can with our FREE strength training programme that you can do once a week, at home and with no expensive gym equipment needed.

PLUS for MAR listerners: Get exclusive access to all our free Comrades resources and our world-famous mobility flow.


Included in the programme:

 Detailed descriptions of each exercise so you know how to do them

 Number of repetitions for each exercise so that you avoid overtraining & injury

 Short videos showing you EXACTLY what to do (Number 4 will turn you into the "Inchanga Slayer"!)

Coach Parry is the Official Comrades Marathon Coach

Coach Parry is the Official Comrades Marathon Coach

Shave 20 minutes off your Comrades Marathon time...

 ..with this free strength training programme that you can do once a week, at home and with no expensive gym equipment needed.

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