Your best 100km road race is just 1, 2, 3 steps away...

Just like every cyclist is different, every cycling training programme should be different too. If you’re chasing a specific time goal, then why not take the guesswork out of what you should be doing and invest in a training programme specific to the goal you’re hoping to achieve?

When you purchase one of our 100km road cycling training programmes, you’ll not only receive a 12-week training programme, but you’ll also get access to our exclusive online training platform that will walk you through the entire programme, week by week PLUS access to our private members-only forum to keep you motivated and accountable.

Step 1: 12 Week Training Programme

Step 2: Weekly Live Q&A Calls

Step 3: Motivation & Accountability

The programme is broken up weekly so that you know exactly what you need to do every session, for all 12 weeks. The programme also includes training zones so that you know exactly how fast (or slow) you need to be training in every session.

Every week you will get access to a live video call with one of our coaches so that if you need any help you can get it in real time, when you need it. Simply join the calls, tick off the sessions and achieve your goal.

In our exclusive members-only community, you’ll not only get access to a bunch of cyclists, just like you but to our Coach Parry coaches. If you’re looking to stay motivated or for an accountability buddy, this is the group for you!

But don't just take our word for it...

Here is what a handful of our athletes have been able to achieve using Coach Parry training programmes:

In a nutshell, here's what you get...

12 Week Training Programme

The programme is broken down weekly so you know exactly what you need to do every single day


Training Session Zones Included

 The programmes include the exact zone that you should be your easy, long and recovery rides at.

Weekly Coaching Calls

Weekly live Q&A sessions will guide you through the program so that nothing is left to chance in your training.

Private Members-Only Community

Need accountability and motivation? We’ve got you covered with 3 months access to our exclusive cycling community.

Take a look inside...